COVID-19 and the Use of Remote Learning, Video Learning, and Lecture Capture

Karen Butterfield
Karen Butterfield

To our partners and customers, as global implications continue to arise, YuJa is committed to ensure that your ability to utilize our products is unaffected as we continue to monitor the steady developments.

COVID-19 and the Use of Remote Learning

With institutions worldwide considering how the global outbreak could affect its institutions, major universities have already begun to shift their courses online to reduce risk and the outbreak’s impact on instruction. Many institutions across the University of California system have cancelled in-person classes to make the switch to remote learning and implement various methods of remote work and technology-focused pedagogies more than ever. As developments continue to arise, additional schools and organizations are expected to follow suit.

Utilizing Remote Learning & What is Available

With the increasing switch to online courses permeating schools across the world, e-learning pedagogies such video conferencing tools, online lectures, learning management systems (LMSs), and video platforms are essential teaching tools used to compensate the lack of an in-person classroom setting. 

Enterprise Video Platforms provide easy access to digital learning material from any location. With your all-in-one Video Platform, built-in editing capabilities for video content allow for users to revisit saved content to edit recordings, revise slide contents, improve captioning without the need for third-party applications.  

Content Management Systems (CMS) provide instructors and students with on-demand access to a centralized, searchable video library to store and securely share flipped classroom content and student or instructor-created recordings across multiple formats.

Video Conferencing allows for instructors to deliver virtual lectures and engage with students to provide live discussions online and present certain presentations remotely. With video conferencing, students can also attend virtual office hours to supplement their learning remotely.

As we continue to carefully monitor the developments surrounding COVID-19, our team at YuJa is dedicated to develop a sustainable workflow that helps instructors and students alike continue to maximize their levels of productivity. In a time where individuals have no choice but to work remotely or deal with this illness, YuJa aims to promote clarity and productivity among all institutions worldwide.

Related Article: Three Ways a Flipped Classroom Can Support Students


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