Steve Vonder Haar, a Senior Analyst with IntelliVid Research, recently interviewed YuJa Co-Founder and Chief Business Officer, Nathan Arora, on the evolving role of video in education, how the market has changed since the pandemic, and the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education technology tools.

Intelligent Video Today is a video podcast that interviews newsmakers and thought leaders of developing technologies that help higher-ed institutions and organizations generate more value from the video they produce. The discussion emphasized how video has evolved from a supplement to traditional lectures and then to a central component of modern educational experiences.
YuJa is a great example. It started with a purpose-built Video Platform for teaching and learning, and for delivering educational content at scale. Since then, several products have been added to the suite of tools, including those that focus on delivering accessible content, managing data and storage, test proctoring, and audience engagement.
While the company continues to serve the higher education market, the focus has been on deepening its impact. Rather than expanding horizontally, YuJa “serves a single audience with a number of different products that serve them more effectively, all within the same realm,” Arora said.
“The pandemic accelerated a need to become more digital not just in teaching and learning, but in all interactions.”
The pandemic led to a big increase in utilization of video in higher education, as institutions worldwide were forced to get on board. After nearly 100 percent utilization, usage has gone down, but not to pre-pandemic levels. The pandemic accelerated a need to become more digital not just in teaching and learning, but in all interactions.
“That means our products become much more pervasive, but it also means there’s a need to do things better and more cost effectively. So if you’re going to manage larger volumes of content, you’re going to make content a central part of the strategy, you have to make that more accessible,” Arora said. In addition, everyone should benefit from media, and with a centralized, enterprise-deep strategy, they can.
Vonder Haar also asked how AI would impact the development of video related applications and how it has impacted YuJa’s roadmap and go-to-market strategy. AI is already being used in technologies like automatic transcriptions and captioning, and to extract valuable insights. In higher education, though, Arora said institutions tend to take a more measured approach to implementing new technologies.
Fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement is essential to keep pace with evolving technologies and pedagogical trends. In the future, Arora said he sees AI being used in other meaningful ways that keep the academic rigor of the institution, but noted it will be institution-led.
See the full interview.