Spoon River College in Illinois Selects YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform to Increase Accessibility of Course Content

Spoon River College campus

Spoon River College, a two-year, public community college in West Central Illinois, has selected YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform to help increase the accessibility of digital media and course content campuswide.

Management System. 

“YuJa provides a comprehensive, all-in-one accessibility solution for institutions of all sizes to support the needs of their students.”

Spoon River College is part of the Illinois Community Colleges Online (ILCCO), a membership organization for the state’s community college districts that promotes quality online learning and additional online learning opportunities for students through course sharing. Institutional leaders at Spoon River College were introduced to YuJa through another ILCCO institution. 

College officials were seeking a solution that checks content for accessibility and enables document remediation. YuJa Panorama automatically generates accessible versions of documents, auto-captions video content, and provides users with customized website accessibility options they can apply to any webpage. The Platform also provides an accessibility gauge, pinpoints accessibility issues, provides video guidance on how to correct inaccessible content, and offers robust reporting to help inform and guide instructors and administrators on their accessibility journey. YuJa Panorama integrates directly with the Canvas Learning Management System. 

“YuJa provides a comprehensive, all-in-one accessibility solution for institutions of all sizes to support the needs of their students,” said Nathan Arora, Chief Business Officer at YuJa, Inc. “We’re pleased Spoon River College and a number of other institutions in the Illinois Community Colleges Online organization trust YuJa to provide ed-tech tools they need to serve students today.”

About Spoon River College

​Spoon River College is a two-year, public community college in West Central Illinois dedicated to providing students a quality education. Spoon River College serves 4,000 credit students per year in a 1,566 square miles area including portions of Fulton, McDonough, Mason, Schuyler and Knox counties.

About YuJa, Inc.

YuJa is a leader in ed-tech solutions. Our platforms provide organizations of all sizes with the tools to educate, engage, inspire and collaborate. We serve learning enterprises within all sectors, including higher-ed, K-12, government, healthcare, non-profit and corporate. We have legal headquarters in Delaware with primary U.S. offices in Silicon Valley, California, and Canadian offices in Toronto.

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