Three Ways a Flipped Classroom Can Support Students

Kline Boudreau
Kline Boudreau
a graphic for flipped classroom

In a flipped classroom, students have easier access to learning resources, and therefore, are less likely to experience frustration or unanswered questions. Flipped classrooms can also enable access to course-related content at any location and on any devices in the event that a student cannot attend a class. According to a LearnDash study, 71% of teachers noticed a positive change in student engagement since flipping their classroom. Here are three ways a flipped classroom can support students.

Three Ways a Flipped Classroom Can Support Students

1. Access to a Secure, Centralized Video Library

At first glance, instructors new to the flipped classroom environment tend to resort to public resources – such as YouTube – to store and share their video content. However, the lack of a centralized storage location can create a confusing experience for students who are left wondering where certain content is being stored for multiple courses in different locations. Further, by resorting to public locations to store content, this can lead to instructors facing multiple security and copyright issues if stored information is improperly disseminated across public domains.

With an Enterprise Video Library, students and instructors are provided on-demand access to a centralized Video Content Management System (CMS) to store and securely share flipped classroom content and recordings across multiple formats. 

2. Content Access at Any Time, Any Place, and on Any Device

One of the core methodologies surrounding flipped classrooms involves the ability for students to access lecture material at anytime, anywhere, outside of the classroom. In some instances, students might only have the means to access technology at specific locations while other students prefer to only learn in specific environments. With an Enterprise Video Platform, video can even be automatically transcoded when recorded and converted to an accessible format playable on any device or browser. As a result, different types of learners are offered a myriad of ways to access content regardless of what device, browser, or player they are using.

3. Convenient Search Features

When it comes to publishing online content, students need a way to easily search and find stored lecture material. A ten minute recorded lecture might be easy to upload, but over the course of a semester, many weeks’ worth of uploaded content can build up. By the time an exam approaches, sorting through content that has gradually been stored can be an arduous task. Further, many public domains are confined to search capabilities limited to searching content by its name and description. Without an Enterprise Video Library to easily access content stored throughout the school year, a student looking for a few minutes’ worth of content can be stuck looking through an entire semester’s worth of video content. 

An Enterprise Video Library offers a school-wide platform that includes advanced content search features that enable quick access to course-wide materials. Students can easily look through content spanning class-specific material – including presentation slides, transcripts, and video captions – as well as search for unique keywords mentioned in specific courses. With the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform, captions can be time stamped for users to instantly skip right to what they are searching for. Ultimately, students can not only quickly find the material they are looking for, but can learn effectively and efficiently.

Related Post: How to Caption Your Videos at Scale

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