YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform: v25.1.0 Release

Sadie Campbell
Sadie Campbell
A woman smiling while using her computer.

February has finally arrived and thankfully it’s short. Soon the worst of winter will be behind us and we’ll be looking towards the spring. But until then, I have something that’ll make you feel warm and cozy all over. No, not alcohol. And not hot chocolate either. I’m talking about some exciting new features hitting the YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform. Duh. Let’s see what the devs have cooked up for you this time.  

Comprehensive Activity Tracking and Audit Logging to Capture Platform Actions 

We begin with the new Activity panel in YuJa Panorama, which now tracks activity by capturing detailed user actions across the platform, providing admins with deeper insights into user behavior. Additionally, admins can export activity reports for record-keeping or advanced data visualization.

The new Activity page in YuJa Panorama, which comprehensive activity tracking and audit logging.

Support for Automatic File Replacement in Moodle and D2L Brightspace

For documents uploaded as files in Moodle and D2L Brightspace, YuJa Panorama will support instant document replacement after accessibility issues have been remediated. This ensures that all resolved issues are automatically reflected in the original corresponding documents, providing students with up-to-date versions.

A file has been successfully updated in Moodle inside the Accessibility Report.

View Real-Time Progress of Course Scans That Are Processing

Institutions with YuJa Panorama enabled for selected accounts, organizations, or nodes can now access a detailed course-scan log. This allows admins to monitor the scan status of courses in real time, providing insights into whether the scan is in progress, complete, or has failed.

The Scope Settings page in YuJa Panorama, which allows users to view real-time progress of course scans.
Until next time, I hope you enjoy using the YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform. For more exciting news and updates, subscribe to our newsletter, and stay tuned for more amazing new releases coming soon.

For a full list of features, please visit the YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform Update – v25.1.0 Release.

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