Blackboard LMS

YuJa Panorama Integrates with Blackboard LMS

YuJa Panorama’s Digital Accessibility Platform integrates directly with the Blackboard learning management systems using LTI 1.1, LTI 1.3, or a native API connection. With YuJa Panorama, instructors can create a more inclusive learning environment for all students.

The Blackboard LMS with the Alternative Formats menu open.

Our Accessibility Product is Trusted By Leading Organizations

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Blackboard LMS

Our Panorama Product Tools

Website Accessibility Tool Real-Time Suggestions LMS Integration Accessibility Analytics Accessible Repository


Create a Seamless User Experience

YuJa Panorama has a deep integration with Blackboard LMS to help instructors provide digital accessibility for course content without extra log-ins and dashboards. Instructors can create content as they normally would, and YuJa Panorama automatically generates accessible alternatives in the background and provides real-time feedback.

The YuJa Panorama Alternative Formats menu.


A course discussion board in the Blackboard LMS with an accessibility gauge and icons by files.


Improve Course and Document Accessibility in Blackboard

Course creators and instructors can view and fix accessibility issues and access content directly within the LMS. Users can see a file-by-file accessibility gauge, view the severity of issues with color-coded icons, replace files, select from 110+ languages, and extract math equations from documents, all without ever leaving Blackboard.


University of Windsor campus.
University of Windsor logo.

University of Windsor

The university has installed lecture capture in video hybrid flexible (hyflex) classrooms for faculty to capture activity from multiple inputs. YuJa also helped the institution solve where to put student-owned video content, as storage within third party services can pose security and privacy issues.

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case study

An assignment with an issue shown and steps to resolve it.

Accessibility Feedback

Instructors Get Real-Time Feedback

With YuJa Panorama, instructors receive intuitive, real-time feedback on the accessibility of their original content so they can remediate accessibility concerns on the spot. Content created and embedded in the HTML WYSIWYG Editor is analyzed and assigned an Accessibility Score to help ensure that content meets the highest accessibility standards.

Accessibility Feedback

To learn more about YuJa Accessibility Solutions, call us at 1-888-257-2278

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YuJa Panorama's Website Accessibility Tool is shown in the Blackboard LMS.


Automate Accessibility Across Your Digital Footprint

Users can download, install, and enable YuJa Panorama’s Website Accessibility Tool, which can be integrated directly into Blackboard. This enables students to customize their experience and shape the website to suit their individual needs with custom profiles, content and color adjustments, and alternative formats on pages both inside and outside of the LMS.


Logos of 1EdTech and YuJa.


YuJa Panorama Integrates Directly With Blackboard

YuJa Panorama provides secure data exchange through direct LMS integration. YuJa Panorama meets standards created by 1EdTech (formerly IMS Global), the industry standard for integrating learning tools. YuJa provides LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3 (LTI Advantage) LMS enterprise connectors and cross-connectors for Blackboard to ensure worry-free integration.


GIF showing how Panorama Accessibility works.

Increase Awareness

Create Accessible Content From the Start

Panorama is an invaluable tool that allows instructors to view Accessibility Reports to track accessibility improvements made over time, enabling them to create and provide the most accessible and inclusive Blackboard learning environments for students. As instructors get familiar with common accessibility issues and fix content with real-time suggestions, they begin creating accessible content from the start.

Increase Awareness

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